An interactive tool for self-directed, homebased and personalized arm rehabilitation after strokeĀ
A stroke is a common and disabling disorder, that often affects arm activities. After stroke intensive arm therapy is essential for gaining and retaining functional improvements. Because of high costs, shortage of therapists, patient burden and adherence issues, intensive arm treatment is scarcely applied, and this will become even more challenging in the future. Therefore, there is an urgent need for sustainable, technology-supported and motivating treatment in the home setting, with direct supervision of a therapist only if needed.
The multidisciplinary ArmCoach4Stroke project is a cooperation between Erasmus MC, University of Twente, TU Delft, Amsterdam UMC, and private partners. The multidisciplinary ArmCoach4Stroke project aims to develop and evaluate a new and interactive therapy aid based on movement sensors to stimulate and optimize the daily use and exercise of the affected arm in the home environment by objective, personalized feedback to the patient and his/her therapist.
The ArmCoach4Stroke will be developed in co-creation with patients and therapists and other (end)users, with focus on optimal implementation in health care. The ArmCoach4Stroke will provide the necessary intensive arm therapy that patients lack in current clinical practice, thus improving daily functioning, independence and quality of life, and making rehabilitation care more efficient and sustainable for this vulnerable and growing group.
Read more on the websites of ZonMW, Rijndam, Erasmus MC, and ICT&Health.