The latest insight on recovery after stroke shows that the potential for functional recovery is largely determined within 72 hours after stroke. PROFITS aims to develop a clinical infrastructure in which we can obtain an individualized prognosis and uniform assessment of functional outcome within a network of caregivers. This framework is required for optimal planning of interventions, avoiding both overtreatment and under- treatment and enables intervention studies that include many patients, shortening the duration of each study.
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The 4D-EEG project is a cooperation between Technical University Delft and VU Medical Centre Amsterdam. The overall goal of the project is to understand how patients recover after stroke. Why do some patients show limited recovery of the upper limb function, while others regain full functionality of their upper limb? Additionally the aim is to optimize accurate early prognosis of functional outcome after stroke.
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In March 2015 the ‘Move On’ project started. During this project, people who sustained a stroke will be trained in their balance capacities. Currently, for people in the chronic phase (more than 6 months) after stroke only a few training options are available in daily clinical practice. These chronic stroke survivors, however, very often experience balance and gait deficits. These deficits are the most important risk factor for falls and fall-related injuries in this population.
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The NeuroSipe Programme is a sustainable community and cooperation among Dutch Universities, university medical centers, and companies, which aims to develop diagnostic tools for neurological disorders. The primary focus of NeuroSIPE will be on the neuromuscular system, the autonomous cardiovascular system, the thermoregulation system and the pain regulating system.
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Prospective cohort studies show that about 80% of all stroke survivors have an upper limb paresis immediately after stroke. Only one third of all stroke patients will regain some dexterity, whereas well-researched evidence based therapies for an effective treatment of the upper limb are lacking. However, the main claim of the literature is that functional recovery of the upper paretic limb is mainly defined within the first month post stroke and that rehabilitation services should be applied preferably within this time window of recovery. Furthermore, it is known that exercise-related interventions are most effective when they are applied intensively in a task-oriented way.
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Trauma Related Neuronal Dysfunction: Translational research with fundamental research projects and clinical trials into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
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The Neuras project aims to develop and implement novel technology to improve the assessment of disorders where sensorimotor integration is impaired as well as to stimulate neuroplasticity. Neuras will develop new hardware and clinical applications and will implement standard assessment and evaluation protocols in close collaboration with researchers, SME’s, clinicians and representatives of clinical care units. NeurAS aims to generate new foreground IP and pushes clinical care to promote the capacity of patients to deal with day-to-day environmental challenges and barriers as the ultimate way to improve autonomy and quality of life.
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The goal of the LOPES project (LOwer-extremity Powered ExoSkeleton) is to develop a robotic device (LOPES) for gait training and assessment of motor function in stroke survivors. This involves designing the mechanical setup of the exoskeleton as well as its control structure. LOPES will be used to optimize the functional outcome of (robot-aided) gait training in chronic stroke survivor.
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