Management Team
The Management Team consists of the business director plus one representative from each founding partner.
- Frans van der Helm, TU Delft, technical director
- Carel Meskers, Amsterdam UMC – Location VUmc, clinical director
- Jetty van Ginkel, business director
- Ruud Selles, Erasmus MC
- Jurriaan de Groot, LUMC
- Vivian Weerdesteyn, Radboudumc
- Jan Buitenweg, Utwente
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee consists of the Management Team plus one representative per involved department of the founding partners. The steering committee meets at least four times a year. Together they monitor the progress of the program lines, the interaction between the projects and programs and they determine the research strategy of NeuroControl.
Neurocontrol is an open consortium that aims to accelerate the the development of new technology and improve existing technology to monitor and enhance neuroplasticity for assessment and treatment of chronic neurological diseases. To do this successfully, collaboration with different partners is of great importance. We therefore work together in our projects with several companies, clinical institutes and associated partners. We always invite and encourage other partners to join us.