Frans van der Helm has a MSc in Human Movement Science (1985), and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (1991). He was member of the board of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB, 2005-2009), and participates in the board of the Technical Group of Computer Simulation (TGCS) and the International Shoulder Group (ISG). He is Principal Investigator in the TREND research consortium (11.7 M€), which focus on patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a neurological disorder. He is program director of the NeuroSIPE (System Identification and Parameter Estimation of Neurophysiological Systems) program (5.25 M€), funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.
Prof. van der Helm has developed the Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model, still worldwide the most advanced 3D musculoskeletal model of the upper extremity. He applied control engineering techniques on human neuromuscular control, resulting in diagnostic robots for system identification of reflexive feedback. He has designed haptic interfaces, rehabilitation robots and humanoid robots, based on his extensive knowledge of the neuromuscular system. He has published over 100 papers in international journals on topics as biomechanics of the upper and lower extremity, neuromuscular control, eye biomechanics, pelvic floor biomechanics, human motion control, posture stability, haptic control and humanoid robots.